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Tar and Untar in Sealos

Sealos provides the sealctl tar and sealctl untar commands for compressing and decompressing files or directories. This guide explains how to use these two commands in detail.

The sealctl tar Command

The sealctl tar command is used to compress a specified directory path into an archive file. Note that it will strip the parent directory.

Command Options:

  • --clear: Whether to delete the source files after compression, default is false.
  • --compression: Compression algorithm, available options are tar/gzip/zstd/disable, default is disable.
  • -o, --output: Path of the archive file.

Basic Usage:

sealctl tar [flags] [options]

The sealctl untar Command

The sealctl untar command is used to search for archive files that match a glob pattern in the specified source path ( src) and extract them to the destination path (dst).

Command Options:

  • --clear: Whether to delete the source files after extraction, default is false.
  • -o, --output: Path to extract the archive file.

Basic Usage:

sealctl untar [flags] [options]

Usage Examples

Here are some examples of using the sealctl tar and sealctl untar commands:

Create a compressed file:

sealctl tar --output=/path/to/archive.tar /path/to/source

The above command compresses the source directory into the archive.tar file.

Extract a compressed file:

sealctl untar --output=/path/to/destination /path/to/archive.tar

The above command extracts the archive.tar file to the destination directory.

With the sealctl tar and sealctl untar commands, users can easily compress and decompress files or directories. These commands are useful tools for file management, particularly in backup and file migration scenarios.