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Manage IPVS

The ipvs command is used to create and manage local IPVS (IP Virtual Server) load balancing. IPVS is a module in the Linux kernel that allows high-performance load balancing to be implemented in the kernel space. The ipvs command achieves load balancing of services by managing the mapping between virtual servers and real servers.

sealctl ipvs supports the following features:

  1. Creation and management of mappings between virtual servers and real servers.
  2. Health-check functionality to periodically check the health status of real servers and perform necessary online/offline operations.
  3. Support for two proxy modes: route and link.
  4. Support for configuring proxy scheduling algorithms (e.g., round-robin, weighted round-robin, etc.).
  5. Support for one-time creation of proxy rules (--run-once flag) or continuous operation and management of proxy rules.
  6. Support for cleanup: Existing IPVS rules can be cleared and the command will exit using the -C or --clean flag.

With the sealctl ipvs command, users can easily create and manage high-performance load balancing services locally.


sealctl ipvs [flags]


  • -C, --clean: Clear existing rules and then exit.
  • --health-insecure-skip-verify: Skip verification of insecure requests (default is true).
  • --health-path string: URL path for probing (default is "/healthz").
  • --health-req-body string: Request body sent by the health checker.
  • --health-req-headers stringToString: HTTP request headers (default is []).
  • --health-req-method string: HTTP request method (default is "GET").
  • --health-schem string: HTTP scheme for the probe (default is "https").
  • --health-status ints: Valid status codes.
  • -h, --help: Help for ipvs.
  • -i, --iface string: Name of the virtual interface to create, behaving the same as kube-proxy (default is " lvscare"). Enabled only in mode=link.
  • --interval durationOrSecond: Health check interval (default is 0s).
  • --ip ip: Target IP as the routing gateway, used together with mode=route.
  • --logger string: Log level: DEBG/INFO (default is "INFO").
  • --masqueradebit int: IPTables masquerade bit. Enabled only in mode=link.
  • --mode string: Proxy mode: route/link (default is "route").
  • --rs strings: Real server addresses, e.g.,
  • --run-once: Create proxy rules and then exit.
  • --scheduler string: Proxy scheduler (default is "rr").
  • --vs string: Virtual server address, e.g.,

Global Options

  • --debug: Enable debug logging.
  • --show-path: Enable displaying code path.


To use the sealctl ipvs command, follow these steps:

  1. Provide the necessary options and parameters for the command.
  2. Execute the command, which will create or manage local IPVS load balancing.


Create proxy rules and then exit:

sealctl ipvs --vs --rs --run-once

Clear existing IPVS rules:

sealctl ipvs --clean